
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Unconventional Candle Charger

A  recurring theme you'll find on here is ways to stretch the mighty dollar. And when I say "stretch," I mean really S-T-R-E-T-C-H!

I like walking through stores and finding unconventional ways of using everyday items. For instance, I was walking through Trees n Trends a couple of weeks looking for a charger to hold candles. I found a few but none that really jumped out at me. I was in the back of the store when I came upon a gold metallic mirror. This mirror was exceptional. I loved the texture and how far it projected from the wall. (Not too far; just right.)

Side note: If you haven't heard, metal is SO in this year. Lucky for you, Trees n Trends has a ton! 

Then it occurred to me. Why couldn't I use that mirror for a charger? I could set the it on a table, position a few candles on the top and bask in its illuminating glow. Which is exactly what I did.

Whether or not the mirrored surface actually creates more light is a scientific question that has been disputed for years.

It doesn't matter to sure is B-E-A-U-tiful!

Greatest thing of all is that after I'm done using it as a charger, I can hang it on the wall. (If you read the last blog entry you'll know how huge of an undertaking that used to be for me.)

Hopefully I have now planted a seed in you that will make you look at things differently. Next time you're at the store maybe you can find an unconventional use for a conventional item. I'd love to hear about it if you do. ;-)

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